Episode 2

Published on:

5th Mar 2024


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Join our expert business buying consultants, Deb Curtis and Richard Parker for a direct, transparent look at buying small businesses with SBA-backed bank financing.

We'll cut through the noise, offering you the real, unfiltered truths you need.

Get ready for a no-nonsense guide to navigating the complex world of business acquisition.

Your path to informed business ownership begins here.


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welcome to headbands and handkerchiefs where buying banter meets no BS reality


get ready to dive into the world of buying and selling businesses without the fluff and fancy jargon we cut


through the BS to bring you raw unfiltered insights from industry experts seasoned entrepreneurs and no


holds bar discussions they get straight to the point whether you're a seasoned


business buying Pro or a curious aspiring entrepreneur this is where the


real talk happens buckle up for headbands and handkerchiefs because in


business there's no room for sugar cooing let's get down to the Brass


TXS no room for sugar coating I like that isn't that right


Richard Amen to that I love it you don't you don't sugar coat anything do you oh


I've never been accused of that that's for sure never welcome everybody maybe I


should start trying yeah yes yes welcome everyone to headbands and handkerchiefs


if you are with us um give us a shout in the chat we'd love to know that you're joining us we're here every Thursday on


all of your favorite streaming platforms live with my dear friend Richard Parker who's been in this


industry what 30 years 30 yeah coming up February 1 it'll be 34 years that's it I


don't know what happened yeah yeah and and I myself I've it well I've been in


small business lending uh at least 20 of my 30 years um and business acquisition


lending for sure the last five to 10 uh Focus because it's a transaction I love


and uh hello jod lamb good to see you in in the chat see is here in the house thank you you miles Woodburry saying hi


Richard Parker you're called the man that's miles who I was referring to last week my adopted son miles so he's joined


us this week and he's a he's a budding entrepreneur so I'm I'm thrilled you're here miles I love it I love it and Lola


gold thank you thank you everyone that's coming in and um we're gonna get started right away on topic because we don't


dilly dally we don't have time these transactions do not have time for dilly


dally and today we're we want to talk about well we called it the business buying Safari oh my and uh we think of


Wizard of Oz lions tigers and bears oh my but what were you saying earlier Richard buyers and Brokers and lenders


oh my there you go there you go buyers and Brokers and lenders oh my


yeah that's a big old M and we got to get them all to work together so business Safari we're g to give all of


you that are listening in ideas on where do you go to find these business


listings right um but before you search ladies and gentlemen before you


search for a business please speak to a professional like Richard or I or


someone that knows how are you qualified right and maybe you can talk about that


a little more Richard what well there's qualified there's there's there's two veins to that right


so there's there's the qu being qualified financially to to be able to um Finance


the deal so it's qualified with a lender or lenders or whatever that may be and then there's the whole qualification


process related to what do you qualif for qualify for skill-wise for the type of business that you should


be buying and they're two very distinct disciplines but they're equally important and if you start off this


process without qualifying for both and we say qualifying meaning you know what


the lending process is all about what you what you will be able to qualify for


financially and equally important if you don't know what type of business is


right for you this is where people get off the track um they go off the reservation they make terrible mistakes


because they start this process by jumping into the deep end full blast without knowledge without knowing


financially what they're able to afford what type of business is right for them and that's you know by and large a big


reason why 90% of the people who begin the search to buy a business never complete a transaction Amen to that and


and what you just explained makes me think of fishing with my dad in my younger days


if you put a big chunk of bait on a hook and you dump it in a lake with a school of fish they're all coming at you


they're all going to come at you but what is what is the right business that's a fit for you you um we're here


to change a narrative Norm Richard we want to um Mentor individuals that want


to buy these businesses to do it smarter and start with the people that know how


to qualify you because there's a lot of questions that the buyer that I need to


ask them to make sure that they're going to pass the SBA muster as you call it


right you know there's a lot of Background Checks Plus the bank guidelines you know you you may have


cash to put down but what do you have left behind um and and not one transaction is the same as the other we


know that's for sure right yeah and I I just went in I just had an example today with um with someone who was looking to


buy a business they were going through their projections for the future and they they um asked me to give them a


second set of eyes on it and they had it the timing is just happened to turn out


but this is usually not the case typically this convers let's assume this conversation took place in June well


they give me a a pro fora that goes July through December and I said okay well that's great what happens if you buy the


business in June right you're looking at it now but you've buying June said well well what's the difference well here's the difference if that business has high


season or low season anything other than 12 months a year of stability if they have high season or low season in that


you know you're buying it in in in June and from June to November happens to be


their low season or their High season you have working capital requirements


yeah if no if not enough sales are coming in you have to fund it if it's in


you even though revenue is coming in you may still have to purchase have to fund purchase of certain inventory so it's


not just like you have X amount of dollars you put it down on the business you complete the transaction you have to think about what happens after the day


you take over because if you don't think about it you'll be out of business before you've really been in business


yeah I like how you brought up the seasonal businesses because they can be


financed and and Underwriters understand there will be downtimes in the year but what is a good


mitigant to that and it depends upon the buyer but a good mitigant might be


you're married and you have secondary spousal income to kind of help support you know the personal expenses during


that slow season and or have sufficient working capital where when you're


working with quality lenders they're going to know if you need that working capital to support payroll and


pay pay the short-term operating expenses during the downtime right right um so not every buyer might be a fit for


a seasonal business but there are plenty of buyers out there that are right of course and you also have a situation


where quite often the business declines after a new owner takes over I mean it's just inevitable they're just getting


used to things um for for whatever reason and you want to be conservative when you do your your forecast and this


you know I always like I always tell people do a 5 to 25% decline for the first 3 to six months because very often


they do to client you're just getting your footing and so it is entirely possible some clients may leave but


you're just you're the business is is just getting under way again under you as the owner and so you have to you have


to account for that that there may be a temporary decline in the business and um so when you couple that with the


seasonality you have to make sure that your working capital is in place because you know the the old you know like my


mother used to tell me save money for a rainy day the rainy day could be the first day you open the business that's right and I I would like to add to that


working capital piece Richard for our listeners uh every bank has their own


in-house credit policy when it comes to business acquisition Finance transactions some banks recognize the


value of working capital so therefore they will include up to three months of


the uh post uh closing transaction of short-term operating expenses they'll


give you the buyer that cash right into your new business checking account and then other banks on top of that will


give you a revolving line of credit but now let me spin the bottle a little bit


further there are other Banks out there that say no Richard you want to buy a


business you come up with the working capital in your personal savings so here


we go again just like we talked last week every bank has their own idea on


how they're going to approve this business acquisition loan for you the buyer so the question is are you really


working with the right bank that's going to set you up with the best loan structure to make sure you're successful


from day one right yeah and part of the pro part of the issue is you know most


people who acquire a business outside large transactions are first-time buyers so they don't even really think about


this and who can blame them they don't have you know they don't have an experience of buying businesses and so these type of issues that um surface are


things that are just foreign to them and so if you're not working with the right people right resources in other words if


you don't have the right team surrounding you yes it's highly possible that something um significant gets


overlooked not because of negligence but simply by for by lack of experience or


knowledge that's right yeah and I'm glad you brought that up too and it the same


as a applicable in every industry but experience and knowledge I mean we're


talking 30 years with you Richard 20 years with me we walk through the fire on several


transactions these days SBA lenders listen we're getting older we're gen


xers there are baby boomers they're exiting not everybody Baby Boomers baby boomer baby boomer yeah not everybody


wants to be an SBA lender and not everybody wants to be a business broker so the ones that are they're younger but


the experience isn't there so that's really important all right well let's Circle back to the topic for of of the


hour here where do we go to find these business listings and uh everybody just


assumes right away to go straight to the broker uh websites right um so the


question is speaking of experience Richard we have really really decent


Brokers that know how to vet the sellers and know how to make sure ready to be


listed on the market but then we also know there is a plethora of


inexperienced Brokers that are just hungry because they're 100% commission-based they just will take


anything and slap it on the market maybe you can expand a little further on that for our audience so what are your


thoughts on that I mean how do you look at a business broker online listing summary and determine what's what okay


well you know I I I put together a couple of Stack an anticipation of you know the conversation so to make people


aware and and and if anything is said disparagingly about business brokers I


do that so I'm in the same world and so you know we're just pointing out facts


about what exists in in in in the real world that buyers are going to encounter if you take a look at the um the first


step that most buyers have is they jump in and they go to this you know the business for sale websites the online


databases of business for sale websites and that's what those you know those


those uh particular websites is they're typically controlled by business brokers you have some for sale by owner you have


some franchising there but by and large they're controlled by business owners by business brokers now business brokers


only sell around 10% of the businesses that that transact in the United States yet they yet yet they control 90% of the


listings on there right can you say that one more time because when you told me that earlier I did not realize that


statistic only 10% say that again yeah business brokers only transact about 10%


of the businesses that are sold in the United States on an annual basis now the numbers may have changed somewhat a


little bit but so they're 12 or 14% but that's really the number so you have that number combined with the fact that


the majority of businesses listed for sale on the publicly on the public business for sale websites are for the


most part all business broker listings or there's some for sale by owners or some franchises but by and large right


so you at so you're starting out with the concept that the vast majority of businesses that are available for sale


are not visible you're not seeing them you're on the business for sale website you're not seeing them now


statistically and these are numbers that are given to me at the highest level from the business brokerage community


that typically of all the listings of business brokers and and and I get it I've done it I've done it at the low end


you want you have to have it's a it's a it's a listing business because you've got to get a lot of listings because not


all of them are going to sell and you're on commission so I get all of of that however the numbers typically fall out


that only about 25% of their listing sells some companies do better there's a you know large brokerage national


International Brokers they sell about 33% of their listings so the majority of listings don't sell so let's take a fact


that on these business for sale websites the vast majority of businesses or


listed there are are not going to sell probably 75% of those won't sell and


they're only representing a small amount of what's available for sale and so when a buyer starts


out and they're looking at these business for sale websites their sample is not good yeah now now with that said


don't get me wrong it's a terrific place to start in one particular um uh with


one particular idea in mind most people have no idea what type of business is right for them and so if they want to we


do this as a weeding out process it's a very good place to be your laboratory because you could pick out three or or


four categories pick out five three or four sellers within each category meet with those sellers of those type of


Industries have a good back and forth questions um with the seller learn more about the business do your research


after and then determine well of those you know those four categories three for sure I'm not interested in so one may be


interesting or you rinse and repeat and you pick out three and four more but if you pick out four categories speak with


five sellers you then have a sample or a laboratory of 20 businesses that you can have a conversation with so it's from


that perspective it's really terrific right um but also have to understand you


may not find your business there so you have to go beyond that yeah right on right on and out of the the all of the


businesses that are for sale since the broker list you say 10% we all know if it's still true today


that 80% of that 10% probably won't get Bank financing would that be accurate oh


I would believe so I know when when I used to do lower Market um brokerage number of years ago the the the


percentage of deals that got financed was 6% wow wow now I don't know what


that number is now you're in a much better position than I would be to say what you know what percentage of all the transactions get Finance but it used to


be 94% were a combination of cash Andor seller financing um I'm sure that


numberers changed and gotten better over the years just because the criteria's loosened up a little bit um and people


have become more uh comfortable with that further you know as interest rates if they've risen you know in the last


year or so but we had this we had this window of you know 10 years where we had some really low interest rates so that


would more incentify people to look for you know third-party leverage right on


so would it be fair to say I I I know where I stand on my thought on this um


are are business buyers wasting too much time for two reasons number one they


don't know pardon my friend what the hell they qualify for right or right I think that that's


a and and my business broker friends out there and yours too would say bingo and


they're tired of the phone calls and they don't want to take all the phone calls because probably 90% of the phone


calls in a day are people that aren't don't even qualify to buy a business and they're wasting their time so number one


we're not qualified number two if 80% of the 10% of the businesses on the market


are represented by Brokers and they don't qualify we're wa we're wasting too much time right Richard you're was


they're wasting too much time in a lot of ways right so certainly in the example that you cite Deb I mean that's


spoton you also have the scenario where the majority of people because the


statistics in this business are are really abysmal right the amount of people that qualify the numbers that


don't get to the Finish Line the percentage of businesses that are listed for sale that don't sell I mean there's


one horrible statistic after another I mean we're very lucky in our business we have almost 180 degree opposite within


amount of people who use our materials and buy businesses but I'm not here to to sell programs want to talk about you


know how these people go down the the road incorrectly and it's very easy to


teach and preach education and knowledge but it's a perfect example where the data backs


up the theory or the thesis that you have these ridiculous


amounts of people entering the market when I say entering the market entering the market to buy a business that fail


and so there's a reason why and if you were do a a vend diagram between called not qualifying for Lending not knowing


the skill um what business is right for them too many garbage businesses for sale disinformation on the website if


you did a vend diagram The Hub of that would be a lack of knowledge I mean it's a very generic statement to say but it


it's it's so true because it's too easy for someone who wants to buy a business to jump in start looking at business for


sale websites contacting Brokers and sellers they're not right for the business they don't qualify financially


they think they're going to buy businesses at no money down they think they're goingon to buy Microsoft you know like Microsoft for no money down


yeah they're they're they have no uh prior experience they've gotten


misinformation and so they they they're they're on the wrong road immediately


heading in the wrong direction right and and there used to be this quote what's the use of running if you're running down the wrong road and so with every


component of this it's you take got to St take a step back sure there's some things that you start to Pioneer and and


have to learn as you go like the example that I gave with looking at different types of businesses to try to help um


weed out the ones that are wrong for you and and get to the point of which ones that are right but you got to take a


step back if you're going to do this if you're serious about buying a business the first thing you got to do is is take a step back and say I got to get


knowledge right I got to get good in good knowledge not just information good knowledge and that is related to how


this works related to lenders how it works related to valuation how it works related to what type of business is right for me how I go about the process


how do I negotiate the valuations the due diligence all those components if you don't do it that way well there's


chances are you're going to become another one of those 90 perers that never buy a business and it's not


because you don't want to it's not because you're not capable it's just because you haven't equipped yourself with the right information and


surrounded yourself with the right people I mean the failure rates they back up you know it's very simple why


all these people fail and that's my belief is the Hub or the reasoning is they just don't educate themselves


properly right from the get-go right right and and I I believe where they're


starting if they're going right to a business broker that's selling the business or businesses and and that


business broker is inexperienced we got basically inexperienced and uh broker


and an inexperienced buyer and we're heading down disaster and and then then what happens they just blame it on


everyone else yeah of course and and you know I understand you know from business brokers get besieged with inquiries it's


hard for them to vet all of them you know I I've had you know examples when


I've spoken with people and they tell me you know I've been looking for 6 months they finally you know found their


website and or or did or did not buy a program that it's immaterial and they said they keep sending broker inquiries


now not all of them are perfect and plenty of them don't answer their emails but one of them was I'm sending out all these inquiries and I can't get an


answer and they were using one of the websites I might have been bis byell or whatever I said well tell me what your email looks like you find a business you


think you know what you tell me what your business I said give me a sample he said well like you know I told him you know I want to get um I want to get


three years of tax returns and that I said well that's your that's your opening shot like you're


contacting the seller the broker and say you know please send me three years of tax returns like there's nobody in the


right mind going to send you that the inquiry has to be I'm serious about buying a business I'm looking to I need


to buy a business I'm serious about buying a business I'm I have the resources to close a transaction as long


as you do I understand that I um there's some documentation like a non-disclosure or whatever that I have to execute


please send me whatever you need so we can start the conversation you're not asking for tax return sometimes you don't even get that till due diligence


so even if these people who know what type of business that may be right for them the lack of knowledge and


experience they they don't even ask the right questions from the beginning so if you're a business broker and someone sends you an inquire and says send me


the tax return I mean chances are you don't even respond to that email and who could blame them right and that's why


I'm trying to change the narrative Norm now that I'm outside of corporate America and outside of the banks as the


direct Bank lender now now I after the 20 years of doing this I help I help the


business buyers prepare and what are your goals what do you want to where do you want to be what what kind of cash


you gonna have available today what will be left over after the transaction what's your background what's your


criminal background my gosh there was so many things so many things that need to


be vetted before there's even that contact with the broker so what I am


doing now is is fully vetting business buyers as if I'm the underwriter asking


these questions and let me tell you I'm pretty hard on my clients saying you better be truthful because if you're not


the skeleton will come out of the closet and your deal will go backwards um but when I fully vet them and see what they


all have for cash on hand if they have any equity in their home you know if they have any kind of secondary


household income I look at the whole picture now I know this is what you qualify for and based on on your


resume these are the industries that an underwriter would be comfortable for you to take over um can we Juke and jive a


little bit well sure but it's a start and if I give that buyer Richard a fully


vetted s pre-qualification letter as a buyer and they call the broker and say


listen I've been vetted here's my proof of funds as a business buyer and a


personal guarantor to the to buy this business have me sign an NDA and let's


start talking about the tax returns you know because that's that's the proof and the pudding that's going to make the SBA


loan project payment and you know I think we need to expedite both


ends in a better way than what we have over the last 20 to 30 years there's too


much frustration because we're we're dancing around stuff that we don't know is true on both sides of the transaction


well and and and and there's no standardized process right so you know I I saw something recently which mired


what I've been talking about Fe and I called it business brokerage not business brokerage and I don't want to sit here and you know harp on on the


business brokers being the the um you know the the focal point of the problems within the industry because there's


everybody's at fault and and you know the when when a buyer you know it's


similar to if you're looking for a house well it's great to start out and you want to go look at these fancy Estates


and it's fun for the open houses and see how to rich people live in their five And1 million houses but the reality is


if you're can afford to buy a three or 400 or $500,000 house or less whatever the case may be you got to get qualified


from the bank to know what you're able to shop for the beginning so going to look for businesses that are way out of


your range I mean if if that's how you get your jollies good luck to you maybe you'll learn something but you're not going to be able to execute that and get


to the finish line and so qualifying from a financial standpoint and having that document in place certainly raises


you um you know raises you above a lot of the buyers and keeping in mind that regardless of how a business is listed


or not listed or not publicly listed for sale if sellers or Brokers or anyone


have any types of inquiries related to prospective business buy they're bombarded and it's good buyers stand out


and how do good buyers Stand Out number one they demonstrate that they have a need to buy a business most people want to buy a business but there's a


difference between wanting buy and needing to buy whether it be to generate an income replace an income or because you want to be an entrepreneur so if


you're able to demonstrate that you need to buy a business that you able to disclose your personal financial state


which is a whole other thing because some buyers don't want I don't want to give my personal financial State and say wait a minute time out you're asking for


their financials yes you've signed an NDA so reciprocally they should be they can ask for your financial statements so


if you have a need to buy you demonstrate your serious you demonstrate your educate you're you're educated you have the right team around you you're


financially qualified versus someone else who comes in who's just flying by the seat of their pants sending in


inquiries like send me your tax return well who the hell do you think is going to get the answer from a broker or a seller of course the individual who


looks to be more prepared for the process and so all you're doing is yourself a favor because this is this


this isn't difficult but it's complicated and there's a lot of stages to it and people and and finding a


business for sale goes well Beyond business brokers and even when you do find it that's when the work really


begins and so not coming across or not being prepared not only coming across


and being presented as a qualified buyer for all these reasons but knowing that you have the Acumen you may not know


everything that's why you bring in professionals but you have a good understanding of this process and knowledge if you have that in place you


your chances of being a 10center versus a 90 percenter increase exponentially in


all facets yeah I I think of um fully vetted proof of funds letter from for


that the buyers present to the Brokers I look at that like a speed pass at an


amusement park to get to the front of the line right good analogy it's true it is right it's a speed pass and um but


let's make sure whoever's doing the vetting similar to SBA qualified


listings let's make sure whoever's vetting those are credible and experienced enough because we talked


about that last week we can see a lot of listings that say SBA qualified and they're not perhaps because the SBA


lender that handed it out was inexperienced and they're just trying to drum up business because they're bosses


all over them for Loan Production I lived in that world right of course yeah that's part and that's part of the


problem but it's it's it's uh you could you could certainly navigate it right yeah yeah exactly all right so I'm I'm


looking at my cheat sheet here because we talked about finding these businesses that Brokers list online and would you


agree that a lot of the websites like Bisby sell.com businessesforsale.com


bizquest.com are a compilation of those broker listings and what maybe just


sellers trying to sell on their own yes exactly so you have those ones and bis


Quest is owned by bis Buy sell so you're going to see a lot of the businesses listed on both um businessesforsale.com


they're they're they're good resources generally speaking but yes those you know as mentioned earlier for the most


part they're controlled by business broker listing some for sale by owner some franchises and they are good laboratory as we alluded to after to get


you you know get the marbles out of your mouth try to narrow down the scope a little bit of what type of business is


right for you but very often what happens is those type of those markets help you get to what type of business


may make sense for you or believe based on your skill set and then you have to expand your search whether that be direct search direct solicitations CU


I'm of the belie I'm doing this 34 years I bought 13 companies one co-investment I'm of the belief that every business is


for sale some owners just don't know it yet and so so sometimes not not sometimes often you have to go beyond


those databases and do either direct solicitations get the word out to accountants and attorneys and the Chamber of Commerce and everybody in


your brother-in-law and whoever take you know Cuts your uh your dog's hair get the word out that you're looking to buy a business because very often that the


the the search process goes Way Beyond the publicly listed businesses for sale plus


having using those listings for sale as your general lab laboratory is is is effective plus speaking with brokers who


are generally recognize you as a as a qualified buyer oftentimes some of their listings don't even get it to don't even


get to those websites you know they have some real good businesses they have a Pooler a stable of buyers excuse me they


know that this business good business solid books you know solid financials no major problems can transition well to a


lot of buyers um they'll put it out to their stable of of buyers you know that they've already recognized as being


serious individuals and it may not even see those databases and so this hunt


this Hunt is like a this has got to be a shotgun this is not a laser beam this is a shotgun you have the business for sale


websites direct solicitations which we can cover off at some point direct solicitations getting the word out to


everybody your search for a business must go Way Beyond the publicly listed


businesses for sale websites for all of the reasons we just talked about garbage business businesses not many sold


controlled by a a few not representative of what's really out there for sale so


it's a good starting point but you got to go way beyond that or you're gonna pull your hair out looking at or you're


gonna fail right after a certain amount of time you say I'm going in circles here you know it's time to uh


get my resume out because I'm not to buy a business which is unfortunate because you do it you know if you do it in a


practical um knowledgeable way this is doable by anybody that's right yeah I


want listeners to think too if they're aspiring to buy a business one day if you're working for a smaller company a


lot of the transactions I have funded over the years were the buyer was the


key employee working for the hfac company yes yes right and and it's


beautiful and and I have seen I have seen banks will approve established key


employees that have been working for the business that's now selling Finance 100% of the deal why


they know Sweat Equity right and they yeah and there's no learning curve for them I mean they may need to learn some


of the administrative pieces but yes and and it's um you know for business buyers


to really think about that type of idea whether or not if they want to stay in that industry or not but oftentimes the


business to be purchased is staring them right in the face yeah yes yeah and how


about um the competition a lot of times you're a business owner and you're like


gosh I want to grow it's your your competition make friends with your competitors I've done a lot of those


yeah I mean competition or ancillary businesses you know if you're in um you see this a lot up north where people are


in you know Commercial Landscaping well that's great in the summertime but you need to do snow removal or that type of thing in the winter time adding those


type of businesses or ancillary Services where you can add various products and services to your own um Suite of


services or products sell them to the same clients um growing through competition it is much easier to grow


through acquisition than it is through um organic growth and very often small


business owners and and and regardless of the size I mean we could reduce this to almost the Absurd if someone you know


if some real small business if someone owns a you know a dry cleaners in a Plaza in a small town well buy another


dry cleaners or buy a shoe repair place yeah right you know another alteration place


or you know those type of things so the the growth through acquisition is a is a


real viable growth opportunity for existing business owners and to your point sometimes the financing can be


incredible exactly yeah and there are a ton of places online too I mean there's


online directories there's there you can pull nakes codes you can get business names and numbers easily today um and


and as with every industry there are people and companies out there that


will charge you to do searches when a lot of it can just be done for free online so be careful where you click


click the mouse to purchase something because sometimes it's free it's just a fabricated tool that somebody created um


and it's worth the price you paid right I yeah but um how about um local


Chambers uh talking you know to anybody you know sometimes small business owners will mention hey I want to sell I'm


looking to retire uh it's just that n networking think of LinkedIn Richard if


you want to buy a business there's no better place to look than LinkedIn and you can announce it hey I'm looking to


buy this type of company with this much cash flow or this industry and why not


and you can do searches even on LinkedIn for business owners in industry specific


and state specific I mean LinkedIn itself is a wonderful little engine that


you can really Niche down and find business owners in the industry and


Market that you're interested to possibly acquire boom I mean right right


and you know deal flow is difficult at all levels right that is the that's the


be in the Bonnet for everybody involved in this world whether you're looking to buy a small little business generating


50 $50,000 in revenue or you're looking to buy A5 billion company as a private Equity Firm deal flow is always the


challenge it's everybody's challenge it's the challenge of business brokers to get listings everybody suffers from


the same thing there's no Silver Bullet there's no one way that works there's no lead generation tool that on its own


Works um you know flawlessly or has been proven to work um you know uh


exclusively as as as a as a vehicle to get listings so the answer lies in you


got to do everything yes you got to do everything speak with broker speak to Bankers speak


to accountants speak to attorneys speak to the Chamber of speak speak to business owners speak to your brother-in-law speak to the people that


service your house the people that may come to be doing you know doing work at your home anybody and everybody every


business that you walk into where there's a manager or an owner in place you get the word out now some buyers


might be worried say well you know I work for a company I can't be that vocal about it they don't know that I'm leaving or whatever so then you have to


be cautious but for someone who you know is is is in the hunt and is serious or maybe doing this full-time at this you


know uh full-time rather than under the radar um from their company you got to speak to everybody that's how you get


potential leads I mean that's where they come from if if you were to ask me what's the best lead source to generate


deal flow the answer is simple everything and none of and none of them right right it is talk with everybody


but I I um I think of exit planners I know a lot of exit planners and and I love business exit planners because they


see the value and how to prepare the business for the planned exit or the


unexpected exit you know I I can think back to my younger days as a as a


commercial portfolio manager walking into businesses and asking them what is your succession plan Exit Plan it was


always I a going worry about that till I'm ready okay you don't know when ready


is only the man upstairs know is when you're ready is that you're going to exit Okay that's right so get get your


act together and and start doing what the professionals tell you the small


business owner you need to do to get ready to sell um so kudos to all the


business advisors and exit planners out there today and the good Brokers because


there are some damn good business brokers yes out there that speak truth


truth hurts but you know what but it only hurts for a second hurts but it


makes you grow and if you're going to grow to get more value and a higher


dollar for your business when the time comes to exit take the hurt take the


truth shape up people let's go there are so many freaking business buyers out


there today that are eligible that have money that have experience they are


ready to buy but part of the issue is our supply is weak as far as eligible


businesses well good businesses there's so much Garb there's so much garbage and you know business is if you take if you


run your business like you have to sell it and and and this could be a whole you know show by itself but putting things


into place making sure your books and records are in good shape make sure there's no um overarching massive


problems for for the business what you know I always ask sellers what keeps you up at night about the business or if there's customer concentration keeping


in mind that any problem with the business that the seller recognizes for example customer concentration or


difficulty recruiting employees any problem that the seller the owner recognizes as a problem within their


business that's going to be magnified to the power of 10 in the eyes of the buyer because the buyer has no experience with


that business so if it's a problem in your business you could rest assured it's a big problem for a buyer and so


getting those taken care of is important and you want to improve the buyer pool


and expand the buyer buyer pool so the more people that could potentially buy the business the more value you're going


to get for the business there a bidding process I mean that's just math that's just math so when you talk about the


exit planners and what they do these are things that often a seller should be doing a business owner never mind a


seller long before you become a seller should be doing it on your own from day one you run your business like you have


to sell it and it forces you to have good processes and procedures in place and systems and your you know your your


financials are in good in good order because not only is it going to make it more valuable when the time comes to


sell your business is going to do better it's going to make it in a better into a Better Business immediately because


you're going to have a better handle on the financials the big issues that you have or problems are going to get mitigated it's going to force you to run


your business in a better way so it not only does it pay dividends down the road as you're the owner even if you're three


five 10 or eternity away from thinking that you want to sell your business if you put it in that context of running it


like you have to sell it everything is going to be better that's right and part of the process with with um SBA lending


with the banks as the business buyer you put together a business plan and you


will not pass my Gates of submission until you have in your business plan


your succession plan it sounds pretty tough the dev Curtis Gates of submission listen I I'm sniffing that stuff and and


I I learned the hard way I had Underwriters say Deb what the heck there's no exit plan or succession plan


in here so you don't want to you don't want to tick off an underwriter so I've learned the decades so buyers when they


put their business plan together I better see a succession plan in there what happens if Richard you get hit by a


bus and you just bought the business a week ago who's going to take over the business you have to know who that is


already even before you even are in the business or the business so these things


because they happen these things happen it's reality um you know I know we have um I'm not sure what we're TimeWise


because I don't have my glasses on so I can't see but um have a couple questions if you want to um maybe


address those because I know we have lots of people and some good questions I believe yes I want to thank everybody that's been here so far I like the I


gravit to the one that I see here and sorry will be looking off to the side I'm not checking my phone or whatever but this is where the chat comes up on


the side where someone says I just noticed that title can I ask an edgy question so I like edgy questions are


there are there additional or edgy people are there additional challenges for minorities or a business that is


oriented to serving the minority Market great question you want to take a stab


at it well yes I mean for me and we


talked a bit bit about this on last week's episode is if you're buying a


business that's 100% women-owned or veteran owned or minority owned as the


buyer are you the match for for that owner today and why I say that is


because certain businesses have um contracts with bigger guys for vendors


to support the minority owned businesses or the customers only want to work with a minority owned business and if you're


not that matching minority and you don't know about that you need to know about that pay attention right so that would


be my ad what what would you add to it Richard well I think it's very important because some businesses they may not


transition could there could be government breaks and tax breaks associated with um you know some of the


categories that you identified minorities veterans women owned businesses um there's one I'm I'm I'm


working with right now which is a similar situation in order to get their ongoing benefits and they have a certain


contracts that have been put into place as a result um of them being a um minority-owned business so those those


are what you really need to look for point even if none of those legal um standpoint or points exist as far as


getting favorable tax treatment or favorable contracts or vendors I think


the point that's really important is that business May Thrive and survive


because who's the face of the business yeah and if the customers if the customers are dealing with a minority


because you're in in a community that's that you know caters to that particular minority suddenly if you're not of that


Minority to come into the business you stick out and they may not want to deal with you and it's not discrimination


it's not racism it's just culture and so understand that you may not be the right


person to operate that business in the eyes of the customers or the employees right on right on yeah that was a great


question and and and and something that every buyer and seller needs to pay


attention to uh transparency on the seller side you know what's underneath it all that a buyer needs to know and


vice versa yeah and there was one question regarding if there any particular I think I saw earlier uh sea


and seia is working in the background she's very quiet today because we usually have all these great noises and


sound effects I shouldn't say noises sound effects to add to the equation um but she's doing a stellar job of I see


posting questions and there was one sea that someone brought up related to right there it's up there specific


Industries or markets that tend to sell better than others yeah yeah and there are go ahead


you go ahead because I've got some comments too but please go ahead for for me being the bank lender that that know


is all of my bank Underwriters and decision makers essential needs is is


the winner winner winner industry um and when I say essential needs what do we


need as humans to keep living but we also have to pay attention to as well are there threats like AI threats in


some of the essential needs businesses but I think of landscaping Health Care


HVAC we need air conditioning we need our cars repaired you know we we need


what are the things that we need as humans to keep on living those are essential needs businesses and they do


well now now people could say e-commerce does well which yes it does and they're


very profitable but the underwriter is going to dig really hard to understand


is there any kind of big amazon takeover of this little e-commerce business that


could happen you know what are the big dogs gonna do so I'll I'll just yield


the mic and let you respond now well I think you know from essential Services clearly from A lender standpoint they


there there's a love of that they also like some franchises but and that also


um ports over to you know markets that tend to sell better than others if assuming if there wasn't a third-party


lender essential services are always um attractive for people because


individuals know for the most part you don't go through these wild swings as the economy goes up and down yeah but


from the type of in markets that tend to sell better than others if you're carving out you know the the The Lending


piece which is very important I don't want to discount it the businesses that are poised to sell are good businesses


across markets and across Industries managed well above and beyond everything


else they're going to transition to the greatest number of people they're not overly complicated um individuals that


have General business Acumen can take them over and run them successfully and certainly you know the ones that


essential Services become attractive also to the buyers because they know that that's not going to disappear so


the Bland boring unsexy businesses not complicated that are easy to run and and


are run well at this point with good books and Records I mean those businesses regardless of the economy


good businesses which under though under that term F you know are the ones with


good books and Records no major issues and have a a large buyer pool those businesses sell fast there's always a


market for them and and I would add too the absente owned you touched on


this earlier don't be the business owner working in the business and now you want to sell it because when you sell you are


the business and you're leaving that's right the good businesses that are truly absentee owned and a chief of credit of


mine used to always say as long as there's cash flow that's a good business


yeah yeah yeah that's pretty basic but pretty accurate yep consistent cash flow


that is gonna stick um yeah um wonderful we're good I we're getting a message


here from seia we're getting close to our limit this was great how about let's give a a round of uh


recognition to our sponsors for for headbands headbands and handkerchiefs um


missa would you be so kind to maybe put up a couple of our sponsors here at one


at a time are you able to here we go look at that we've got the hounds of


business community and this is a wonderful Community led by and founded


by Mike a we'll call him Mike Mike ashab Broner and if you take a picture of that


QR code you can apply to join this community and it's it's truly a


community where of small business owners worldwide uh that just support one another on LinkedIn and and even off


LinkedIn and a lot of great friendships have come out of this community but the


best thing that Mike teaches is kindergarten skills as the leader the founder of this networking Community


it's all about reciprocation if I'm saying that word right from the Midwest here you


know we don't understand you all together I'm a Canadian and so between you and me the oot in the boat is must


be driving people Bonkers right right but but we all love Mike a he's um the


redneck Financial guy does he look like a redneck in that picture Richard he


looks like a guy that I'd like to hang out with that's what he looks like and he is everybody likes to hang out with


him yeah no TW I like yeah I like him already we have to get him on one of


these shows because he's quite a character to talk to uh but anyone that's watching the show now live or


even the recorded scan that code reach out to Mike and say hey uh the hounds uh


it sounds like a community I want to join and um mention our H headbands and


handkerchiefs live stream here and let Mike know we sent you there so thank you for your sponsorship Mike who else we


got CIA Walking Tall uh this is another great uh


organization they um are a group of three guys two are um uh survivors of


massive shootings The Last Vegas shooting a couple years ago with the Jason Aldine concert and then the Fourth


of July shooting in Highland Park Illinois and then the third partner of


this organization um is a doctor and their focuses on Mental Health okay


think about all the victims of these mass shootings they go back to work or


sometimes same day and just continue on with life as as as survivors that


witnessed the horrific Walking Tall is a movement that's going to grow big and


I'm proud to call them one of our sponsors because they want to support


people that have major life events happening to


them and they're all about mental health and and we rise together um by by


Walking Tall just exactly what they are and I love the picture uh their logo here of a hand picking up a person


that's on the ground that's what we do Richard that's what we do yeah it's actually uh yeah great great logo so


please ladies and gentlemen make sure you scan walking talls um uh code there


and then we would not be here today if it wasn't for brilliant beam media yes


founded by CA and and led by CA and her team uh what I what I call them they


they take the Gremlins out of um it and uh live shows and social media they


support big companies and know if you're a bigger company and you're looking for a team of people to handle your social


media your um live shows your podcasts let me tell you CA and her team are the


way to go uh you talk about customer service above and beyond


would you agree Richard yeah and and I'll tell you the one thing I I you know I've gotten to know C over the N last


few weeks as we've gotten involved in this project and the one thing I absolutely um love about her besides the


fact that she's really nice and got a great sense of humor is she doesn't talk in code you know like every time I'm in


a convers with someone who's a techie like at probably about 15 seconds into the conversation I'm gone like I have no


idea what they're even referring to and so I you know when when I get into Tech


talk I just feel like a complete idiot and because I have no I mean I just don't I have a the most basic


understanding and they're going off and speaking a different language and CA explains things it's perfect like she she she understands who I am for example


because she makes it idiot proof you know which is which is great cuz it's soon as you make it idiot proof they invent the better idiot but she really


explains things in in a common sense logical way that makes it understandable and and if whether it has to be linking


or social media whatever may be I found that even in a bunch of conversations so far I understand what she's talking


about and when something has to be done and she explains it it makes perfect sense to me yeah so she she's really for


anybody looking for you know talented digital marketing space I mean she's


just spot on and she understands people's knees and she again they they explain them in a very meaningful and


understandable way and what I also like about brilliant B media is there's there're small they're a small business


but a big heart and a team to handle the big companies right you know I think


sometimes the big companies they they want to hire SEO experts and digital


this and this and that and everything with by hiring other big companies right


um You don't get the special one-on-one touch as you do with a small company like brilliant beam media uh so I highly


recommend them and very thankful for their sponsorship give yourself a hand you yeah yeah and maybe we should put up


the QR code and Richard can speak again to the uh uh the list there sellers 10


things sellers won't tell you explain what that's all about Richard so this is a a a special report that I compiled and


and in uh um conjunction with Deb and really walks people through especially


business buyers things that a seller will not disclose to you not because it's being fraudulent not because they


may be things that are material because they are contractually obligated to do that but things that they're not necessarily going to to speak to you


about whether it related to any you know issues related to customers where they continue to buy from you um whether you


know how they're looking at the financing their their level of of of wiggle room on the asking price um all


these components that I found over looking at well thousands of businesses and decades um and the core 10 of what


sellers typically do not disclose and again it's not because they're lying not because they're fraudulent they don't have to tell you these things but


they're critically important so you know it's a great report it's very in depth it's taken a lot of examples um from


years of experience I think it's about 40 pages but some really good examples it it proves to be a terrific document


for uh prospective business buyers easy to download you you just uh subscribe and you'll get an email and then there


we have an ongoing series of 14 emails that'll go out to you um every day um for for a couple of weeks with great


helpful tips so if you're in the market looking to buy a business helping people buy businesses whatever the case may be


I guarantee you you will find this to be a terrific helpful resource I love that


it's like a it's like a free master class that just comes week after week each chapter right yeah yeah except if


yeah right if we one of those full of gurus who are selling business programs for zero money down we tell you


this is the master class it only cost you $5,000 my go it's a but it's a great report so take advantage of it it's it's


going to be up for a little while so great de thank you 30 years of experience in um this uh 10 things


sellers won't tell you and you know what we could probably add more pages to the


report as time goes by Richard yes oh guaranteed so and the 30 years and you've got 20 so 50 between the two of


us so I like to say I'm not that smart I'm just old you're very smart you're not old so anyways hopefully the two of


us we'll be able to keep dispensing some advice that people find helpful and you know the agenda to educate the world in


the world of business broke business buying and selling you know it's something we feel obligated to do and uh


and I'm honored to do it with you by the way Deb I keep telling I keep telling you that but I'll tell you again yeah


and you know I I don't want to rip on sellers not being transparent because there are many out there that are I just


want to remind everyone if you're a buyer you better be transparent because the underwriter will find it or I will


find it and the world is easier that way yeah transparency wins every time yeah and


you know what if we all have baggage of some sort just tell me what it is and


we'll get around of course the surprises always come out and even when represent sellers tell them you know disclose


everything and this this way you know who can handle what and if a buyer can't deal with a particular problem better off to get them out of the way early on


yeah I Deb I I uh I enjoy spending this time with you and I'm looking forward to next week as well well let's remind all of


our listeners that um headbands and handkerchiefs are here on all your favorite social media platform channels


live every Thursday at 2 pm Eastern uh today's topic was business buying Safari


kind of where do you go we got a whole lineup of fresh topics coming up all the way through the end of January and we're


just going to keep rocking and ring and uh until next time Richard anything else


you want to say no thank you it was great seeing you as always and enjoy your time together and uh I'm sure we'll


speak about a hundred times between now and next week and support small businesses everybody let's keep them alive and thriving Amen to that yeah bye





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About the Podcast

Business Buying Banter
No BS! with Deb Curtis & Richard Parker
Are you looking at buying a business but are aggravated with the endless string of bureaucratic BS?
We are too.
Join Deb Curtis and Richard Parker for an exhilarating livestream journey into the world of business acquisitions! Our dynamic new show is designed to empower you and cut to the chase of the business buying experience.

Welcome to Business Buying Banter!

Learn More Here:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BusinessBuyingBanter
Deb's Website: https://www.debcurtis.com/
Richard's Website: https://richardparker.com/

#businessbuying #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #buyingbusiness #buybusiness #livestream #video